Certificates of quality, food safety, and environment

Atalaya is highly committed to the quality of our products, food safety as well as the environment, as indicated by our certifications:

Certification ISO 14001: 2015  // More information about ISO 14001

IFS Food Safety Certification Versión 7 // More information about IFS

Atalaya Agoalimentaria, S.L. has a record number of FDA for its exports in the United States. More information about FDA

Factory employees and senior management staff carry out regular courses on handling and food hygiene.


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The Quality, Food Safety, Environment and Occupational Risk Prevention Policy of ATALAYA AGROALIMENTARIA is aimed at achieving the satisfaction of the customers and the people who make up the company and to comply, at the same time, with the commitments acquired with the environment.


This policy is defined and impelled by the Management, which assumes the commitments to develop and implement it, to update it periodically, and to demand and monitor compliance to demonstrate the continuous improvement of its processes.


At the core of this policy is the promotion of continuous improvement, which is the basis for the definition, of the objectives through the following 13 criteria:


  1. Carry out the transformation, packaging, and marketing of products with a DEGREE OF QUALITY, that satisfies our customers and sets us apart from our competitors, with the permanent interest to evolve towards the continuous improvement of our processes.

  2. Continuously improve the RAPIDITY AND PUNCTUALITY of our service, obtaining the highest performance of the capacity, experience, and training that our workers hold.

  3. Achieve THE ELIMINATION OF ERRORS IN THE PRODUCTION PROCESS, developing an effective process of control of non-conformities -when they appear- that prevents their translation to the client.

  4. Compliance with legal requirements, regulations, and any other subscribed with our clients.

  5. Management must be involved in a quality culture improvement plan, facilitating the transmission of information in all directions, including from employees to management.

  6. Reinforce the commitment with the opinions and suggestions of its employees that imply an improvement in terms of Quality, Environment, and/or Food Safety.

  7. Adoption of necessary measures for the protection of the environment, establishing a commitment to mitigate climate change, preventing and diminishing the impacts on the environment as a result of our own activities and those of the suppliers. Establish a sustainable use of natural resources and promote their efficient use.

  8. Bet on the use of by-products generated as a result of the production process, to minimize the impacts generated while maintaining continuous improvement of the system.

  9. Focus all production from a prism of food security, increasing technological measures and advances that will appear in the market.

  10. Ensure safety and hygiene at work to all employees, as well as environmental safety, raising awareness of our team with the example and perseverance in maintaining good environmental conditions of our facilities and collaborating with adequate waste management that satisfies the environment and contributes, insofar as possible, to the sustainability of the environment, identifying and evaluating the possible risks that may directly or indirectly affect the organization.

  11. Translating this awareness on measures taken to reduce the impacts on the environment also to suppliers and subcontractors.

  12. Updating and updating of personal competencies, and their optimal adaptation to functions, through a management of human resources that enhances ethics, training, and continuous evaluation. Guarantee the necessary human resources, in quantity and quality, bet on stable employment, and stabilize jobs.

  13. Bet on stabilizing jobs, with the purpose of expanding and improving development capacity and undertaking of the rural areas.

  14. Evaluation and selection of the best suppliers as members of the organization.

  15. The preventive approach in the development of internal audits of all key, strategic, and support processes.

  16. Comprehensive measurement of customer satisfaction.

  17. THE MANAGEMENT assumes as an obligation of its responsibilities, the commitment to exercise leadership in the implementation and application of behaviors consistent with the Integrated System of Quality, Safety, Environment, and Prevention of Occupational Hazards of ATALAYA AGROALIMENTARIA


acting as a driver, guide, and example in the fulfillment of an obligation that concerns us to those who form our company.


This Quality Policy, Food Safety, Environment, and Occupational Risk Prevention must be known and applied by all the people of the company, for which it will be fully and effectively disclosed. It will be developed through a documented system and made available to all those affected and interested.


Edition´s number – Ed. 9

Edition´s date – 07/07/2021